Wednesday, September 10, 2008

School's Back In

I feel kind of terrible. So, I thought I would blog to let you know that I haven't forgotten about my blog; however, I have been very busy with work . . . teaching work! I have done a few pages; but have forgotten to take my camera to work and photograph them. Therefore, there are no new posts on my blog. I usually try to get one done on Sunday; but that didn't happen this week either . . . forgot my camera at home.

Hey, since I have the attention of so many smart women out there . . . I have a question for you I hope you can help me with:

Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla ???????


Anonymous said...

I have had 2 Toyota Corollas (one '84 & a '95) & they have been an absolute joy! I love Toyotas & think that they are the best cars out there. If I had to choose a car besides a Toyota I would pick a Honda though, (or an Acura, but honestly it's the same thing - different price! ;) Good luck figuring it out!


Laura said...

Sorry Theresa, I am a Honda fan and have had one from the time Rachel was a baby. We've had Accords until this last Honda, which we decided to get the Civic. They retain there resale value which is really good.

Good luck in finding a vehicle!!! The only piece of advice I red one. They are cop magnets!

Julie Cortens said...

I'm a Mazda all the way - love my Tribute! However Laura is right - the resale value on a Honda is excellent. David has been driving his civic since 1999 and ne're a problem with it. And is it red - and he has a perfect driving record. Never been stopped. :)...of course he has gray hair. Maybe it has less to do with the color of the car and more the age of the driver or how the car is driven. LOL