Monday, September 15, 2008

Hiss Ruff Meow Bark

We had this family dog . . . Charlie. Then I got this kitten for Valentine's Day . . . Valentino. These two got along fabulously. I have had these pictures forever. We got this shredded paper out of some box (packing stuff . . . you know what we used before the styrofoam peanuts). These two played in it for hours. They were the best of friends. They would wait in line for water behind each other after playing. They would jump on each other's back and chase each other around the house. They were inseparable. I got to use one of each of the cat and dog paper for this; but it was nice because the background was the same so the page looks like it was made that way . . . nope . . . made to look that way. By the way, Ralna is amazing, I'll tell you why later.

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