Monday, April 7, 2008

Busier Than Ever

Is anyone else wondering when life will slow down a bit? Even when the flowers finally get brave enough to pop their heads out and check to see if Spring finally remembered to arrive, will we be able to stop to smell them? Have we done this to ourselves? I feel that I am always trying to keep up to the pack -- never-mind knowing what the pack is even doing. Then, when I have two minutes to rub together when I am not cleaning, helping with homework, working, cooking, grocery shopping, driving someone somewhere, working, washing, laundry; I feel guilty for doing something like scrapbooking, reading or updating my blog. I read just before I go to bed (for two reasons: 1. So my son will read and 2. To help me unwind from a frazzling day). I keep hearing of people going to scrapbooking retreats and holidays: when and where do you find the time and money to be able to do this? Let me in on your secrets.


Julie Cortens said...

I have found it an absolute necessity to PLAN getaways into my hectic schedule - it took me until I was 46 to realize I needed to do this.crazy!! It does get easier to do as the dependents get older. Even three day, get in the car and drive somewhere, getaways can be rejuvenating and cheap. Aim two months down the road and start planning. When you get back you will find yourself planning the next one. Sometimes you just got a get out of town.

Angie said...

I can never afford to do those retreats and getaways either, but sometimes, you just need to do it, and take time for yourself. Its a hard thing to do, I tried it once, and I came back from it more relaxed and focused.