Monday, August 24, 2009

My Quilt

Well, I can finally finish my quilt book. I found it yesterday and then I found all of the other things I had gathered to put in it. Here's the story. For each of my sibling's 40th birthdays I made them a scrapbook. So, for my 40th, my mom was going to make me one. I asked her to make me a quilt instead since I had done so much of my pictures already. So, the year before I turned 40, she began this quilt. Well, I got it this year for my birthday. I can't believe how much it means to me. Just to look at the underside of it and realize that all of the quilting stitches were done by hand is amazing. (Click on the underside picture and look at it close up.) It took her six years because both her and my dad got sick and she wasn't able to do it much. As it says in the corned: PROMISED - 40, COMPLETED - 45, AUGUST 2009, LOVE MOM! I took it home that night, changed my sheets and pillowcases and layed it on my bed. When I went to sleep that night, it was like being tucked in by my mom and feeling that she was taking care of me. So, the next day, I got a few different colored throw pillows and sheets so everything would match. Now I have to change the four canvas's in my room that I did in the Periphery Line. Oh, well, more fun on the way.

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