Thursday, November 27, 2008

Moving Week Has Arrived

I decided after much stress, packing, cleaning, painting, moving . . . did I mention stress, that I would sit for one or two minutes and blog. I am to be in my new condo on Monday, so this past week has been a packing week. Last week was a painting and steam cleaning week. The week before that was a puttying and sanding week. So , no I haven't been in Vegas or Disneyland or on a hot beach relaxing. I am soooooooo tired and not done yet. I , weird as it sounds, hope I don't get called into work tomorrow, so I can get some moving done. As terrible as it sounds, I can't give up a day of teaching if they call me in. It eats me up and I can always use the money. Most schools have parent-teacher interviews tomorrow, so I think I'll have my day off. I did take some pictures of some pages, I just haven't had the time to post them. So, I hope next week brings some updates. I hope you are all well. Talk with you soon.

1 comment:

Saucy said...

Good luck - packing and moving SUCK SUCK SUCKS but when you are settled in your new condo you will be so happy!