Monday, October 20, 2008

What the Junk?

Well, I just typed all of this "STUFF" on here and then deleted it. It's kinda the way I shop. Today, I typed to get all of my worries out and then deleted it because no one wants to hear my sob stories. I tend to shop the same way. I pile lots of stuff into my cart and then slowly return it and some days I don't buy any of it. But it made me feel good putting it in the cart. I know, I'm weird. Well, I hope everyone had fun at the crop. The staff felt it went well and we had a lot of fun. We tend to have a lot of fun no matter what . . . I was worried about the beans and burritos for awhile; but I think everyone got out of the backroom unscathed. Deb, thank me for deleting the next ramblings I just erased. It had to do with the horse shoes and Johnny Cash. Laura or I will be glad to fill you in. I did this great lesson on how humans are destroying the earth today. I hope everyone realizes that when I ask if you need a bag at the store, it is because I have been informed that it takes 1000 years for a plastic bag to decompose in the garbage dump. Time for reusable bags ladies. I did one page this last week. Yes, ONE! When I get to my camera I may even post it. But for now, I will leave you with this so Lucas can get on the computer. Take care, hope to hear from everyone soon.


Cheryl said...

you will be glad to know, Sharon, that I carry cloth bags in my van all the time, but you won't be glad to know....that I often forget to take them into the store with me!! I am trying though, does that count?

Laura said...

Oh, my goodness...I am the same! How many of the black, green cloth bags do you see of mine at the store, Sharon? Well, I have that many and more at home and when I REMEMBER to put them into my rocket, I nicely FORGET to take them into the store! Then I get mad at my mentia and either buy another one (hence the 40 or so cloth bags I have) or I refuse to and use plastic....I am also trying. Maybe someday I'll get it all together...then for sure I won't remember where I put it! LOL