Friday, August 29, 2008

Wasp Swatter Slick

I dare you to say that one three times real fast!. "Slick" was a nickname my father gave Faith when she was young . . . it stuck! While we were over at my parents house for supper on Aug. 20th (my 44th Birthday), we were swarmed by wasps while trying to eat outside. Finally, Faith got fed up and asked for the swatter. She got quite a few, but by then, most of us had escaped to the house. She gathered up her catch (which she wants in a plastic envelope on this page) and tried to save them before the ants carried them away. I love the expressions she has on her face on this layout. She has quite the personality and isn't afraid to use it.


kristen said...

I absolutely love that photo of your daughter.!!!! The one that you have posted along your blog site too! It's so funny.

Angie said...

Cute pic!! the wasps have been so bad this year.

Sherri said...

Adorable! I love the expressions too!