Sunday, May 31, 2009

Looking Back

Yes, sometimes when I see an older picture of me I tend to think about the choices I've made along the way. Eventhough this picture was only taken maybe ten years ago, a lot has changed in my life. How could anyone say that they'd change their lives once they know their children? Maybe some things would change--but since we are not given that choice, I want to teach my children that they have to be strong individuals and make every choice the right one for them. I want them to know that they have to make it on their own and not depend on anyone else to help them survive. We don't know what is around the corner for us, so we have to make sure that we know we can survive no matter what. We have to become independent individuals that believe in ourselves. We also have to be able to take the responsibility for our own decisions and actions. It is hard . . . but once we have, we become better people for it.

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