Monday, July 26, 2010

Friends & Royisms

Roy can take the best pictures of us. I guess it's his long arms...and he has talent...I think he's done it before. This picture was taken at Jade's Graduation Ceremony. I seem to have a lot that look the same...just taken at a different time. I thought it would be fun to just make a page of the things that make Roy and I bestest friends.

The next page is my tribute to Roy and his English Royisms that confuse me on a daily basis. Every once in awhile he will say something that totally confuses me. These are usually terms from the U.K. that he hasn't Canadianized to yet. My favorite is when he says "Wha?" instead of "What?". I have incorporated that into my vocabulary now. And I got to use the new Basic Grey line on it.

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