Camping with Karl
I must admit, certain pictures strike me at certain times. There is no rhyme nor reason; maybe it is the paper at the store that I can see working with them. I have a ka-jillion pictures to scrapbook. The majority of them right now are older pictures that I NEED to get down before I forget "who, what, where, when, why . . ." Sometimes it is not about "winning a prize" or "blowing everyone's mind" for me . . . it is doing what I enjoy: picking paper and embellishments, enjoying my time with my pictures, getting down the information I want to get down while the therapy of working with my hands, mind and creativity bring peace to my crazy life. My wish for everyone who scrapbooks is: to enjoy scrapbooking for yourself, not trying to "top" your last page. If you do come up with an amazing page . . . good! I see it all the time at the store -- just don't make it run/ruin your love of scrapbooking.
1 comment:
Amen Sharon! I scrapbook for my family, so that our memories are preserved and at the same time I love the creativity - it is a win/win persuit! It is when I feel pressured to come up with THE page that it looses it's deepest meaning for me. So yah some pages are full of photos and a little bland - but they tell the story. I love it when I am really stuck creativity wise and then it all comes together - that is a joy!Creating something of meaning to my family and hopefully some day my grandchildren.
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